Monday, October 8, 2012

Political headaches

I remember the first time I ever voted.  I was excited to finally take part in the whole process, to get my "I Voted" sticker and fulfill my civic duty.  I also remember the first time I got to vote for the President of the United States.  It felt kind of surreal, looking at that ballot and seeing those names, knowing that I was casting a vote for the most important position in the country.  

Flash forward to present day.  We are once again in the midst of a presidential campaign year and this is right about the time I start to get plain sick and tired of the whole hullabaloo.  The speeches, the debates, the TV ads, the comments from supporters of either party.....I'm done with it all.  Can we please just vote already?  I am still excited to get my ballot, send it in, and hopefully have my vote counted, but I am worn out by all the poll updates and hostile attitudes that surround this election.  

Not that I am checking out entirely.  I like to try and remain an informed voter so to say that I am closing myself off from all election coverage entirely probably isn't a true statement, but let's just say I'm not going to give it too much of my attention from here on out.  I know the issues well enough to know who I'm voting for, so all the rest, as far as I'm concerned, is just fluff. 

Politics is just not my thing.  I really don't have much of an interest in it, I don't like discussing it with other people, and I find the whole song and dance more or less exhausting.  People spend so much energy debating political issues back and forth non stop, when all that accomplishes is getting each other fired up and each person becoming more and more ingrained in their own opinions.  It's true, debating is pointless.  Which is why I figure it is never okay to bring up the subject of politics in mixed company, or even with family.  For some reason this topic is so touchy it can drive a wedge between people faster than almost anything else.  Including religion. 

I don't really have a point except to say that while I'm excited to vote next month, I'm eager to have this election behind us so we can start focusing on other things aside from poll numbers and Mitt Romney's tax returns. 

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