Tuesday, April 10, 2012

On dog walks

This picture is an accurate representation of what my dogs sometimes look like when on a walk.  This would be right before they start howling their heads off and dragging me behind as we start on a mad-dash sprint.  I've gotten to a point where I'm no longer embarrassed by the occasional bursts of howling, barking, and rapid grunting when they catch a good scent.  They're hound dogs, after all.  If I could smell all the things they do I'd probably get pretty excited, too. 

But here I am, already slightly off-subject and I've barely gotten this post started.  Ugh.  Okay, so the dog walking ritual is mostly a daily thing, but obviously there are days that have to be skipped for one reason or another.  As the weather starts to get nicer and the days continue to grow longer, it has by default fallen upon me to be the sole walker of the pooches since Dean is busy slaving away on one roof or another (although lately he has been slaving away on the still-in-progress bathroom remodel). 

So I have been, as Dean so lovingly puts it, a single parent.  I don't mind walking the two beagles by myself, even though their constant sniffing inevitably results in tangled leashes.  In fact, I look forward to our outings because they give me a chance to de-stress, to unwind, to focus my mind on.....nothing.  

There are some days where I enjoy walking by and observing the afternoon softball, soccer, and tennis practices, passing joggers and other dog walkers on the trail (even though the beagles usually lunge and bark at the sight of other dogs.....I've trained them so well).  But some days I want nothing but peace and quiet.  And lucky for me, yesterday was one of those days.  The pups and I marched along and we came upon absolutely no additional activity.  We were surrounded by early evening calm, the temperatures still warm enough to be comfortable in a t-shirt, hearing nothing but the sound of our feet on the gravel and the occasional chirp of a bird.  

It's an awesome feeling sometimes, when you seem to be the only person around for miles and miles.  

I know that technically these walks are for the benefit of the dogs, but I think they also do me some good as well.  While sometimes it feels like a major operation to lace my shoes and harness up the dogs, once I'm out in the air and on the trail I feel.....lighter.  I'm starting to see these walks as a positive precursor to my evening.  They give me a chance to flush out the irritations and annoyances that otherwise might linger and stay with me throughout the night.  Sometimes (when I'm sure no one is around) I will give myself little pep talks, say things out loud just to get them out in the open.  I pretend that the beagles can understand me and it makes me feel a tad less crazy.

As the nice part of spring and the much anticipated summer approach I look forward to more wanderings with my dogs.  It's a part of my day that I've come to look forward to not just for their benefit, but for mine as well.  

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Crisis averted.....the tub is getting installed

Wanted to stop in and post an update in regards to yesterday's temper tantrum of a post.  Our bathtub is getting installed as we speak, or better yet, as I type.  Just got the text from hubby that everything is on the up and up. 


Also, our tub doesn't look like the one in the picture above but isn't that a beaut?  Very classic, and I just love the burst of color.

In other news, I'm extremely beyond a doubt excited that tomorrow is FRIDAY (imagine me doing a happy dance), and that I am only working a half day before we head to the thriving metropolis of Touchet, WA, to spend the weekend with my family.  I don't know what it is about spring but I just get the urge to be back home on the farm.  In the summertime I long for it even more, especially when harvest rolls around.  Ahhhh.....those summer nights on the porch, feeling the earth cool down and inhaling the sweet smells of the wheat.  Trust me, it's a little bit of heaven. 

I got off topic a bit up there.  And with that, I conclude today's blog post.  If you would like to make any requests for future topics please go ahead and leave me a comment below.  Since I have nothing on my mind right now aside from bathroom fixtures and tile patters I'm in desperate need of some inspiration. 

Come on, my little blog-lings.  Inspire me!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The daily rant

WARNING:  This probably isn't going to be a fun post to read.  It will contain much self-loathing and overall whining about things that really aren't too big a deal but have all managed to occur on the same day making them seem like a big deal.  If you do choose to read further, imagine me stomping my feet with my arms crossed over my chest.....because that's what I feel like doing.  

Today should have been a good day.  It should have been a step forward in the bathroom remodel project, which we are a good three weeks into at this point and as I have been expressing to those who have asked, it feels like we are running in place.  Things are happening, slowly, but nothing obvious.  There are still so many big things to do that we'll be lucky if the whole thing is done by the end of the month.  I know I shouldn't complain because we are lucky that we have the money to remodel the bathroom at all.  And we are lucky that my work schedule is flexible enough that I can actually be home at certain points during the day so people can come over and do a lot of the work.  For these things I am thankful.  But right now I just feel frustrated. 

Today was the day we were to have the brand new, very deep, jetted bathtub installed.  This was to be a big step, because after the tub comes the tile, and every job that gets crossed off the list means we are one step closer to being done with the whole shenanigans.  So yea, good day.  The plumbers were supposed to arrive at 8 a.m.  In preparation of their arrival, I pulled my car out of the garage to avoid having them park in our driveway and block me in.  I am proud of myself for thinking ahead, of course it just so happens that Mother Nature hasn't got the memo that it's supposed to be spring outside, hence she feels the need to make it snow.  And it was definitely snowing, big, huge, mammoth flakes.  But whatever.  The car is out, I take my shower and get ready, then anxiously await the plumbers' arrival. 

I wait.  And I wait.  8 a.m. quickly turns to 8:30, then around 8:45 I hear the doorbell ring.  Okay, 45 minutes late, I can handle it.  They bring in all their tools and head downstairs to check out our new tub.  At this point I'm pretty exuberant, despite the fact that since my car has been sitting outside for two hours I now have about two inches of snow to dust off.  I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and hear one of the guys ask, "Did you guys buy the special drain for this tub?"  I make a face, not liking where this is going.  Because you see, we did buy the special drain, the drain that the sticker on the side of the tub specifies is the ONLY drain that can be used with this tub.  However, after an initial inspection of the tub and materials we were told by a different plumber to take said special drain back to Home Depot.  Said plumber assured us he had his own materials he liked to use, no need for the special drain that the sticker on the side of the tub proclaims is the only drain that can be used on this tub.  Perhaps we are too trusting, or perhaps we should start studying up on plumbing so we can in fact do all this crap ourselves. 

After a phone call to the boss plumber the verdict is in:  bathtub cannot be installed without the special drain that we have already returned to Home Depot.  I feel the raincloud that has crept over my head burst open.  Only instead of rain, it's dumping snow.  The plumbers depart, telling me to call them as soon as special drain is back in our possession and they will come back to finish the job.  I feel deflated.  We have already had to wait a week for them to come over here......

I call my husband to deliver the bad news.  Then I decide I have no choice but to head to work, because that is sure to make a rotten morning so much better.  I trek out into the snow, wipe off my car, and have soaking wet feet by the time I'm done.  No, I did not put on my snow boots because I thought it would be fun to see how well I could move around in the snow and slush with my so-not-waterproof flats.  FML.

I make it to work, take a step inside the building, and almost fall completely ass-backward because those cute little flats are very slick after being worn in the winter wonderland.  I'm quite proud of my reflexes, though.  I truly believe a less flexible and agile person would have ended up on the floor.....it was an epic slip.  I have to take baby shuffles until I get to the carpeted area and my shoes can actually be wiped off.

Thus far this has been my day.  I know, I know, it's not the end of the world, just a little setback, and the snow can't last forever (OR CAN IT????)  I just don't have the energy to put on a happy face and look at the glass half full.  This has turned into one of those days where every little thing is going to rub me the wrong way, and as of right now I just don't see my mood being altered.  I think I need to get on Pinterest and spend the rest of the morning looking at pictures of cute, fuzzy animals and smiling babies.

Right now the only thing I have going for me the rest of the day is a much overdue haircut and the arrival of a Netflix documentary I have been anxious to watch.  It's about Jonestown.  Nothing like a documentary about a cult leader enticing hundreds of people to commit mass suicide to turn a bad day around.