Friday, January 20, 2012

On free days

I didn't have to go to work yesterday.  They closed down the campus due to severe winter weather, which meant I got to stay home all day long and do, well, whatever I wanted!

It was a free day.  Not a weekend, or staying home sick, but a day where I should have been at work but instead was told to stay put, stay in your pajamas, stay comfortable. 

Free days like this, little unexpected yet highly wished for gifts, are in a way better than the weekend.  They're better because they aren't routine, aren't supposed to happen, and when they do the opportunities seem endless.  It's like being in elementary school and instead of having to sit through a science lesson you instead are given "free time" to do whatever you want.  And because you have the teacher's (or in this case, your boss's) permission, there aren't any guilty feelings attached.  Win win! 

So how did I spend my free day?  I lay on the couch and drank coffee, I ran three miles on my treadmill while watching reruns of The Office, I played in the snow with my beagles and even did some snow shoveling, then I took a super warm shower and plopped back down on the couch with my pups to watch old episodes of Grey's Anatomy.  In between all of that I finished the second book in the Hunger Games series, did some laundry, and even cleaned the downstairs bathroom.  I topped off my free day by cooking some delicious manacotti for dinner.  I'm telling you kids, I could do this homemaker thing with absolutely no problems.

I know I have written before about time, specifically the time that belongs solely to us, where we have the freedom to do as much or as little as we want.  Yesterday was one of those glorious days where time that normally did not belong me suddenly was given back, and even though I still got up early like any normal work day, just knowing that I did not have to leave my house or that I was obligated to do anything at all the entire day was such an absolute joy. 

Do I sound lazy?  I sure hope not.  I personally believe I am the complete opposite of lazy.  I'm simply trying to drive home the point that free time is just as great as an adult as it was in elementary school.  Maybe even better.  

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