Thursday, February 24, 2011

Oscar anticipation

So we meet again, Oscar weekend.  Confession time.....I kind of love the Oscars.  I do not usually get excited about awards shows, and throughout the course of the year this is the only one that I will dedicate four, sometimes five hours of my life to watching. 

And it is happening this weekend.

I don't know what it is.  I mean, every awards show has the whole red carpet style scene, but for some reason it's only really exciting for me when it's happening at the Oscars.  And while the Oscars still has the same usually awful and usually awkwardly executed teleprompter speeches, for some reason they don't annoy me nearly as much as on other shows.    

I have a feeling my love of movies has something to do with my excitement for the show.  And for those movies that truly give me a one-of-a-kind experience the first time I see them, I can't help but want them to be recognized for that achievement in some way.  I realize that probably sounds corny, but I'm sure it wouldn't be the first time I have written something borderline dorky. 

I also have a feeling that I am exactly the type of person the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences wants to watch the show.  Because I will watch the show and promptly set about making sure I see most all the movies that were nominated for awards (if I haven't already seen them).  Yep, I am a big sucker.  And yes, I am aware that a lot of really great movies have been known to slip under the Oscar radar but there isn't a whole lot I can do about that.  I don't use the Oscars as Bible on which movies are worth watching, but it's kind of nice to use as a starting point for a list of suggestions.  Sort of like using Oprah's book club for book recommendations. 

This year I have only seen three of the movies nominated in the Best Picture category.  "Black Swan," "Toy Story 3," and "The Kids are All Right."  I own "Inception" but haven't gotten around to watching it yet....might need to put that on the To-Do list before Sunday.  I'm definitely rooting for "Black Swan;" Natalie Portman totally rocked this movie, and since we all know I'm a fan of the darker themed genres this should explain my choice.  However, as much as I liked the movie I'm not quite sure it should or will win.  When I think of Best Picture Oscar winning movies I think of "Gone with the Wind," "Million Dollar Baby," "The Godfather," "Casablanca,"......the list could go on and on.  Just not sure if a movie about a psycho ballerina will make the cut.  And while we are on the subject, even though I haven't seen it, I refuse to believe that the movie "The Social Network" deserves to be in this category.  It's a movie about Facebook, people.  Give me a break. 

Many people snub the Oscars because they are tired of watching rich, beautiful movie stars pat themselves on the backs for being super awesome.  I admit, that is essentially what is at the core of all awards shows, including the Oscars.  But it's not just the shiny, glamorous people who are being congratulated.  It's also the fascinating stories that make these incredible movies.  I can definitely appreciate that concept. 

Oscar Sunday comes but once a year.  And I plan to give in to the glitz, glamor, and show off attitude of the entire affair.  Hooray for Hollywood! 

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