Monday, June 4, 2012

On dreams

To sleep perchance to dream.  Lately I've been doing a lot of that....the dreaming, not necessarily the sleeping.  I haven't gone through a bout of such heavy dreaming in quite a while, you know, the kind of dreams that just stick with you long after you are awake.  

Heavy dreaming is exhausting.  I wake up not feeling fully rested, and while none of the dreams I am having are necessarily "bad," I wake up feeling unsettled and just slightly left of center.  And that is what bothers me the most.....not what the dreams are actually about, but the feelings they leave me with. 

We've all had dreams like this before, the ones that seem so real you wake up thinking they actually happened.  But rarely have I had so many in such close succession.  Some of the dreams involve people I haven't seen or even thought of in years, which makes me wonder just what the hell is going on in my subconscious.  

That's the funny thing about dreams....all the things they can make you feel.  Most of the time we simply feel within the dream, and when we wake up we can almost remember the details but not in their entirety.  Then we come across those other dreams where we are still fuzzy on the details, but the overall feeling of the dream follows us around the rest of the day.  

Some people out there take dreams to heart, and while there might be nuggets of substantial meaning in some of these visions I suspect others are brought on by too much junk food before bed.  I don't doubt that dreams have a tendency to play out what is on our mind, what we are anticipating/dreading, the people we are thinking about.  But it's surprising when you wake up with an image, with a feeling, fresh in your mind that you had no idea was there in the first place. 

I'm hoping that my nights of heavy dreaming are ready to take a pause, and allow me get back to at least eight hours of restful slumber.  I have a hard enough time getting my mind to shut down so I can even fall asleep....I'm tired of having it run on full speed ahead while I'm not even conscious.


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