Thursday, December 16, 2010
Is there such a thing as too many shoes?
When I discovered the show "Sex and the City" I was instantly addicted. Wow, that's a shocker isn't it? If you haven't been living under a rock for the past ten years and happen to know even a little bit about the show, you probably know that the main character, Carrie Bradshaw, is obsessed with shoes. And not just any shoes, but designer shoes that go for $300 and more a pair. Not a cheap obsession.
Of course, Carrie was also a newspaper columnist for most of her life which meant that having the liquid funds available to purchase outlandishly priced footwear was sometimes difficult, if not impossible. But she always found a way. Isn't fiction fun?
When I started watching Sex and the City I wore sneakers just about every day of my life. I can't even think of a pair of footwear I owned that didn't have shoelaces, aside from the proverbial black dress shoes that everyone's mother insisted they own until they were old enough to move out of the house. But something happened to me once I discovered SATC. Maybe it would have happened regardless, but this show awakened something in me that I never had thought about before.
A love of shoes.
A love of stilettos, and wedges, and pumps. A love of darkly colored suede and bright, funky patterns. Shoe shopping became a new favorite pasttime. became my new favorite website. I suddenly found myself transforming my style. I was no longer content with my tomboy attire on a day-to-day basis, I was ready to create outfits and top those outfits off with my new favorite accessory: fabulous shoes.
Here's a newsflash for you. Shoes take up a lot of room in one's closet. Because you see, there are two of them. So after awhile it takes a lot of creativity and superior organizational skills to make room for all those shoes. Luckily for me, I now live in a house and have access to more than a couple closets in which to store my treasures.
But no matter what I do, I can't get people to stop asking me the same question over and over again.
"Don't you have enough shoes?"
Boy, that's a brain teaser. I suppose to some people I probably do have enough shoes, more than enough, even. But to me.....I just can't endorse the idea that the footwear I currently own is all I will ever need.
What is it about shoes that is so wonderful? I mean after all, these things go on your feet and inevitably get sweated in and eventually become rather smelly, know the deal. Suddenly these brightly colored contraptions aren't as appealing as they once were.
For me, certain pairs of shoes encompass different attitudes. I have pairs that make me feel bold and in-charge, other pairs that are more subtle, others that are flashy and just scream "PARTY!" Then I have my workout shoes, which I actually love just as much as any pair of heels I have ever owned. With the right footwear, I can be exactly the person I want to be and convey exactly the type of persona I want to convey. Pretty sweet, huh?
New shoes are like new possibilities. And, okay, they're just downright fun to buy. And I will rationalize everything to death in order to convince myself that a new pair of shoes must be very minute. Closet space be damned.
So to answer the question, no, I don't think there is such a thing as too many shoes. I don't think it's silly to pack four pairs of shoes when I go home just for two nights, and I don't think that limited closet space will ever stand in my way of purchasing the most perfect pair of black stilettos (that I have seen this month).
I have been told numerous times that life is all about choices. Now wouldn't it be a shame to go through your life, making those choices, and wearing the absolutely wrong pair of shoes?
Think about it.
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