Monday, October 31, 2011

If you're a fish, keep swimming....


Every now and then I come across things that just speak to me.  I found the quote above during some Internet browsing and it instantly clicked for me.  The concept of the message is quite simple, yet I find it's oftentimes hard to put into practice. 

None of us are great at everything we try.  There are in fact some things we will never master or have much luck with.  And it is so often by these shortcomings and failings that we judge ourselves.....and others. 

Why do we so often find ourselves dwelling on our mediocre abilities?  Why is it sometimes so hard to focus on things we are not just good, but great at doing?  

I know I have asked these questions before, but I feel that this quote really puts it all into perspective.  If we are going to judge ourselves and others, why not focus on those qualities that make us.....geniuses.  In some way shape or form. 

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