Monday, July 2, 2012

The vacation countdown

I'm only at work for two days this week, but I can already tell they are going to be the longest days to get through.  The anticipation build-up to our impending camping trip has got me so excited it's all I can do to focus long enough to get through this blog post.  Not to mention that prior to said camping trip, there will be the annual 4th of July celebrations at my parent's house, including lots of sun, food and poolside drinks.  In a nutshell, one of the best weeks of summer ever.

But before the best week can start, I must get through two days of work.  I know, it sounds tough, but believe me, my ability to zero in and focus is at an all-time low right now.  I'm watching the clock, fidgeting, and thinking about a million other things aside what is on my to-do list. 

The countdown to vacations and the days leading up to departure are a whirlwind of activity, and I usually spend these days somewhat distracted, slightly anxious, and excited to cut to the chase and get the good times rolling.  But of course, once the good times get going it means they will soon be over, which is definitely a bittersweet pill to swallow.

It's hard not to wish for time to speed up when we are excited and looking forward to something, but it's also good to remember that time already moves along pretty fast, most of the time too fast, and we should do what we can to enjoy the euphoric state we enjoy prior to these trips, to cash in on our positive feelings and sunny disposition and use them to our advantage, to motivate us in other areas of our life.

It's one of those things that's easier said than done, but if I am able to use some of my time before vacation to get ahead or caught up with various items, I know it will make my return from vacation a much happier one.  Now I just have to work on the focusing part......  

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