I don't know these people. They just looked like they were having fun.
I always assume that everyone in the world is having more fun with their life on a given day than I am. Would that be considered a pessimist attitude? I hate to think I've grown overly cynical before the age of 30, but it appears that's the road we're headed down. Unless you choose to view cynicism as a good thing. Hey, maybe I'm not a pessimist after all!
So after that stellar intro, let me also come out and say that I don't like to complain. No, really, I don't. That doesn't mean I don't do it on occasion (does every day count as an occasion?) I find it somewhat draining, and I've probably posted about it numerous times before (and you're probably thinking to yourself, please don't babble on and on about it again....), but I'm officially conducting a self-led intervention because these past few weeks (months?) I have been complaining entirely too much.
Honestly. Because I would never be anything but honest on this blog that nobody reads (that's not pessimism, that's realism), I am driving myself crazy with the sheer force of my negative thinking. I think part of it is due to the fact that I'm overdue for a vacation. Like a real vacation, not a Friday off from work where you still check email every fifteen minutes just because you can (thanks for nothing, iPhone). But I also think I'm going through a bit of a directionless period in my life right now, and that has also caused some unwarranted stress and anxiety. Sometimes I wake up and feel like I'm in the movie Groundhog Day, and while I normally thrive on my routine and weekly schedule, lately it's been burning me out a bit. Which leads to more complaining. You see the vicious cycle, yes?
Anyway, there's really no point to this post so my apologies if you stopped by hoping for a dose of inspiration. I'm using this as my public chastising. As a reminder to myself to put on my big girl pants and get back to being positive, to focusing my energy on the happy, sunny, rainbow filled corners of my life and giving a big "F-YOU" to everything that makes me frown.
And on a slightly random note, what the hell is up with all the parentheses in this post? Crap. That wasn't a positive statement, was it? Okay, how about.....what the heck is going on with all these positively perfectly placed parentheses in this post? I just love alliteration! For some reason that sentence just makes me feel like I should be on an episode of Schoolhouse Rock. If they still even make Schoolhouse Rock, which I'm pretty sure they don't. Which is really a shame when you think about it, because that was such a clever way for kids to learn about nouns, conjunctions, the preamble to the Constitution.....
Did I mention I'm also sleep deprived? I know, I hide it really well.
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