Tuesday, March 27, 2012

On good friends and phone calls

I have to keep it short because I have a meeting that starts in exactly 20 minutes.  But I felt the urge to post something today, and given the shortness of time I'm going with something light for a Tuesday afternoon. 

Last week I had an hour long phone conversation that left me in stitches of laughter.  Honestly, my ab muscles hurt when I hung up the phone.  Really, I laugh every day, mainly because I'm easily amused but also because I hear it burns calories.  So essentially if I can somehow laugh through my entire day I'll be a fat burning machine, dropping pant sizes by the minute!  No?  Okay, no time to dwell on that right now. 

One of my lifetime BFF's and I finally had a much overdue phone chat last week and it was just what I didn't even know I needed.  Because you see, my friend Amber and I don't talk on the phone like normal people.  We don't indulge in the polite antics of conversation and play the catch up game.  Our conversations go something like a stand up comedy routine with each of us playing off the other and seeing who can get the biggest laughs.  We talk in circles.  We don't start with the whole "catching up" routine because we haven't spoken on the phone in months, we instead dive right into the heart of things and start cracking the jokes (usually at the others expense), which lead to more jokes, which lead to some of those "Remember when we did so and so...." references, which eventually lead us into talking for a couple minutes about our current lives before diving right back into the sarcastic humor.  It's fabulous. 

Let's face it.  A lot of the time we can't totally be our complete goofy selves when talking with people we barely know.  We have to be proper, polite, think about sparing feelings, all that garbage.  But with your really good friends, with those people who know you inside and out and still think you're kind of cool, we can let down our guard and totally be ourselves.....uncensored.  That's what mine and Amber's phone conversations are like, and it's so refreshing to just let loose and not worry about trying to censor anything.  I can say those nerdy things to her that would make other people write me off as a total loser and make me FEEL like a total loser.  With Amber, I say something dorky, she calls me a loser, and then we laugh hysterically about it.  

These are moments you can only have with a best friend, with someone you feel completely comfortable with.  If you are very lucky, you have someone like this in your life.  Someone you can be silly with and then the next minute completely serious.  I feel so fortunate to have good friends like Amber in my life, friends with who the relationship stays strong even if we go months without talking or seeing each other.

Okay, signing off now.  I can hardly wait to talk to Amber again and hear her make fun of this post!      

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