I recently read a blog post on Procrastinating Writers about how to avoid distraction while writing. Articles like this always appeal to me because sometimes, a lot of the time, I am very easily distracted. I feel like I only rarely get into a zone of complete focus and am able to work solely on one given task/project/story for a given length of time without taking a break to do something else in-between. Perhaps a side effect of my constant need to be multitasking....?
What a truly novel idea. I guess I had never thought before about how distracting simply being on your computer can be....even if one is on the computer for the purpose of writing! Luckily for me my writing computer is not hooked up to the Internet, but I still have games and music applications on there that I sometimes mess around with while trying to write, not to mention my iPhone, which gives me instant access to email and the greatest time vampire of them all: Facebook.
Writing is a very solitary act. It is not a group event and it is not something that can be done in conjunction with several other activities. A writer has to be willing to isolate themselves, to face the thoughts and ideas in their head, and commit to getting them down on paper. When too many outside forces come into contact with you trying to write, the result is, well, there usually isn't any result because it's usually too hard to focus and actually form complete sentences. TV, Internet sites, games, phones, even music can sometimes just be too much competition for someone trying to write.
Why had this never occurred to me before? How many times had I sat down in my office, a story pulled up on Microsoft Word just waiting to be further developed, and I was too preoccupied with finding the perfect song on my play list? How many times had I sat there responding to text messages, ultimately breaking my concentration and my train of thought?
This is a true testament to the times we live in. Honestly, it's amazing we are able to get anything done with all the different technologies we have access to and are able to utilize each and every day. For a writer, these different technologies, these various distractions, have no place or purpose when one is trying to bring life to a story. I realize that each of us is able to focus and create under varying circumstances, and while some people can type away without a pause while music is blaring in the background, others of us need the quietness of an empty room in order to hear what is happening in our creative imaginations.
Do I dare go back in time? To tackle my writing without the aid of modern technologies? I am referring, of course, to the longhand method of pen and paper. Do I even remember how to write this way?
I'm sure it's just like riding a bike.