This picture is an accurate representation of what my dogs sometimes look like when on a walk. This would be right before they start howling their heads off and dragging me behind as we start on a mad-dash sprint. I've gotten to a point where I'm no longer embarrassed by the occasional bursts of howling, barking, and rapid grunting when they catch a good scent. They're hound dogs, after all. If I could smell all the things they do I'd probably get pretty excited, too.
But here I am, already slightly off-subject and I've barely gotten this post started. Ugh. Okay, so the dog walking ritual is mostly a daily thing, but obviously there are days that have to be skipped for one reason or another. As the weather starts to get nicer and the days continue to grow longer, it has by default fallen upon me to be the sole walker of the pooches since Dean is busy slaving away on one roof or another (although lately he has been slaving away on the still-in-progress bathroom remodel).
So I have been, as Dean so lovingly puts it, a single parent. I don't mind walking the two beagles by myself, even though their constant sniffing inevitably results in tangled leashes. In fact, I look forward to our outings because they give me a chance to de-stress, to unwind, to focus my mind on.....nothing.
There are some days where I enjoy walking by and observing the afternoon softball, soccer, and tennis practices, passing joggers and other dog walkers on the trail (even though the beagles usually lunge and bark at the sight of other dogs.....I've trained them so well). But some days I want nothing but peace and quiet. And lucky for me, yesterday was one of those days. The pups and I marched along and we came upon absolutely no additional activity. We were surrounded by early evening calm, the temperatures still warm enough to be comfortable in a t-shirt, hearing nothing but the sound of our feet on the gravel and the occasional chirp of a bird.
It's an awesome feeling sometimes, when you seem to be the only person around for miles and miles.
I know that technically these walks are for the benefit of the dogs, but I think they also do me some good as well. While sometimes it feels like a major operation to lace my shoes and harness up the dogs, once I'm out in the air and on the trail I feel.....lighter. I'm starting to see these walks as a positive precursor to my evening. They give me a chance to flush out the irritations and annoyances that otherwise might linger and stay with me throughout the night. Sometimes (when I'm sure no one is around) I will give myself little pep talks, say things out loud just to get them out in the open. I pretend that the beagles can understand me and it makes me feel a tad less crazy.
As the nice part of spring and the much anticipated summer approach I look forward to more wanderings with my dogs. It's a part of my day that I've come to look forward to not just for their benefit, but for mine as well.